Battambang Winery

On the road between Battambang and the temple of Phnom Banan you will find the only vineyards in Cambodia. The Phnom Banon Winery produce several thousand bottles of wines, brandy and fresh grape juice per year.

If you are in Battambang visit the winery and take a stroll through the vineyard. You can also taste some of the produced wines or brandies for free. It is also possible to purchase bottles of Cambodian wine or brandy directly at the Prasat Phnom Banon Winery. Combine a visit of the winery with the Temple Wat Banan as it is nearby!

There’s a small show vineyard in the garden which is of interest to local tourists who’ve never seen grapes growing before while the real vineyards are aside the riverside road. There’s a charge of $2 and while the winery is not worth going out of your way for, if you are passing by or interested in how wines are produced in such a tropical climate, it’s worth a stop.

The winery is on the way to Phnom Banan so it's most likely you'll visit the winery either at the beginning or end of the day.